Saturday afternoon work party: April 10th

We need help with the last big infrastructure project in the garden – the slope just below the new resource shed!

Last year it grew hundreds of pounds of pumpkins and winter squash. This year we need to create beds to grow the next crop rotation.  It’s been terraced, but now the soil needs to be sifted, and compost and aged manure added.

On Saturday, April 10th, from 1 pm – 4 pm, we can use your help!  Join us! There is also weeding and planting work to be done, and harvesting compost from last year’s compost pile.

On Saturday morning, from 9 am – 12 noon (at Bayview School), Good Cheer is partnering with WSU Extension, the Whidbey Institute, and South Whidbey Tilth to offer the April Growing Groceries class.